Happy Halloween!
We had an interesting start to Halloween this year, as Henry decided to be awake from 2-5:30 this morning, just because. Just WIDE awake. So Mommy and Henry had some good bonding time, since Mommy had already taken the day off of work, because DADDY had to work during the day.
After picking up brother from school, the Halloween fun began. Daddy was home when we got back and after a quick review of spelling words (test tomorrow), we got to work making our traditional Halloween dinner...Mummy Dogs!
Henny now wants to be on a stool, in the middle of the action! |
Halloween treats! |
Quite quickly it was time to don costumes and visit the neighbors and the townwide trunk or treat!
Occasionally, Henry didn't like being a lion! |
The mane is just so poofy...Brant couldn't resist! |
Halloween bros |
Trick or treating at Grandma's house...
We ran into some friends from Scouts!
And at the end...our little lion just couldn't keep up. Not much of a nap and up half the night..