Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another illustrious first

Well, we've reached another milestone...the first stomach bug! Granted, we made it to almost 3 without one, but it still wasn't any fun. But, Brant's on the mend, nibbling on food, drinking more now. Although, he has learned how to milk it a bit, he walks around, sighs loudly and says (in whiney voice) "My tummy hurt," or "I sick!" It's happening less and less now, but it was quite effective until we caught on.
We took a little jaunt to Target today (Brant must not feel well if he didn't drink his Icee and eat his popcorn). We pickout out some boxers for Daddy, and later, in runs Brant, "Look at me Mommy, I wearing Daddy's underpants!"
We also had a surprise phone call from Japan tonight. It was Hannah, calling to chat as she took a break from finishing her project. It was great to just chat with her about stuff, school, great resturants over there, plans for when we go back. It's official, they are staying for another 3 years. It's hard to believe that Brant will be 6 when they get back for good. Thank goodness for technology!
It's movie time here, Pinocchio is on! We just got it today! Love to all!

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