Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The newest member of the family, Brady!

Welcome to the family Brady!

We went to the animal shelter on Monday afternoon, telling Brant we probably won't find our dog, but it's a start.  Walking down the kennels the pups went NUTS. I had to lean very close to Brantley's ear to be heard, dogs were yipping, yapping and just plain barking. And then there was one that was jumping almost to the top of his kennel.  And then, there was the winner of the ugliest dog contest, a weenie-chihuaha mix, that had a fat hairy body and a tiny little head.

Almost through the row of kennels we thought it might be a washout.  Admist all the hubbub there was a beagle. Sitting and staring at us, like he was saying, "There's no way I can compete with these guys, so why try?"   We decided to take him out to play a bit, and while he perked up a bit, he was still a mellow dog, heck, almost lazy. Compared to the other options, it was heaven.  But, the shelter was closing.  And we needed time to think. We had our minds set on getting Brant a puppy (with the chewing, and wetting and messing and all), so this was a change in plans.  You see, Brady is 2.  Still young enough to mold and train, but all the puppy is out.

We had left Big B's truck at the restaurant, so as we were heading back, Big B said, "Let's go by PetSmart and get his stuff!"  The decision was made! (little B and I had already decided, but Daddy was the decider!)

The next morning we were at the shelter by 8:30.  When we walked around the corner to his kennel Brady came right to the gate, and I swear he said, "You came back for ME??"  Yes buddy, we did.  As they say in the pet adoption world, we came to give him his "forever" home.

We've spent the past two days getting to know each other.  He doesn't like for us to leave him, but he settles down after a bit (I stayed outside the door to be sure).  He's had a few "accidents" but we can't blame him, we haven't figured out if he's housebroken or not, and his whole world has changed.

Brant loves his dog.  He named him Fergus.  We settled on Fergus Brady O'Day (with tag saying Brady).  He picked out his tag. He takes him on walks (how great is it he's not a puppy and walks on a leash and B can handle him!).  He feeds him treats.   We introduced him to the neighborhood and 3 kids swarmed on him...not a flinch!  He's played with our neighbor dog Rose.  He's perked up a lot!

And his little doginality is showing, as we mixed his shelter food (expensive science diet stuff) with our Beneful today he picked out ALL of the shelter stuff and ate all of our food!  There's still half a bowl of food sitting there!  And he's scared of our Rusty cat!  Rusty, who is scared of everything just doesn't know what to do. But they are brothers, and will have to learn to get along!

We are looking forward to learning Brady, and him learning that we are going to return and love him with we leave.  I mean, who could resist that face??

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