Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brant cooks lunch and Percy gets a bath

Today, after visiting a new church, we got cooking lunch.  Brantley has a London Broil marinating and I decided to try to make a tortilla verdura de Murcia, in Spain.  When I get a hankering to travel, it comes out in cooking, and I have a whole list of international recipes to try.

We always encourage Brantley to cook with us, whether peeling, mixing or using our chopper, he's in the action. Today though, he asked for his "OWN" recipe.  Stating "I'm a better cooker than you OR Daddy," he got busy. A few weeks ago, Daddy printed off Chef ZeFronk's cookbook from Playhouse Disney and looking for a recipe we had ingredients for, Brant got busy.  The recipe of choice...Ze Italian Caprese Kabobs.  They were as yummy as they looked, liked bruschetta on a stick!

Reading the recipe, making sure everything was ready to go


Have I introduced you to Percy the "Pola" bear?  I know he's been mentioned, but a Polar Bear that is so involved in our lives deserves more than a mention.   Percy joined our family about a year ago.  We went to IKEA looking for some organizing items for Brant's room, and left with a new loft bed too! Brantley and I thought it was so cool, we just couldn't resist.

Anyway, we had gotten as far is up the escalator and not even into the first showroom, when there were two bins of white polar bears.  Brant runs over and picks one out.  That polar bear had immediately bonded with Brant.  My one condition (thinking it wouldn't work!) was to tell Brant his has to carry him through the store.  No dice.  That polar bear wasn't going anywhere.  By the time we got into the car, he had his own personality (he's a very mischievious bear) and a name.  No bedtime is complete, no snuggles done until Percy joins the fun.  (I was, of course, thrilled, that the animal my son picked out was WHITE!)
Best buddies

Yesterday, Percy was not so pristine, so he got a bath.  Brant spent almost the entire wash cycle in front of the washer, talking to Percy, asking him, "Are you having fun?"  and "Are you getting dizzy Percy?"  Of course, Percy's voice sounds like Mommy's, with a little polar bear variation, but he assured Brant he was having fun.
Checking out the spinning Percy!

It took Brant 3 years to latch onto a snuggles, but it looks like Percy is here to stay.

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